Class details

Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (6 - 11yrs)

Thursday 8:00am - 8:45am

Spaces Available 🎉
Venue details

St Peter's School ,
Cottonmill Lane ,

St Albans,
AL1 1HL   view map

Venue Notes
Dining Hall

Let our children learn how to play the beautiful game of Chess!

Our Primary School Chess Coaching Services are unique – includes teaching tactics, strategies and developing their knowledge in chess.

Playing with like minded children over the chess board; they will gain many benefits as well as building their competitive spirit and confidence.

How we run:
1. Chess topics are explained and points are awarded when applied in their game;
2. Points are awarded per game; every child earns points even if they did not win;
3. Termly Chess Tournaments; Awards and Certificates given out in School Special Assembly and in the Club;
4. Will aim for every Child to earn Player of the Week Award;
5. We cater for all abilities; Children play like for like so that every Child develops under no pressure;
6. We encourage and prepare the children to participate in different competitions ie individual / school / inter-school external chess.

Children having fun! ... It's the best way to learn!



This price covers the 2 sessions remaining in this term.

Thursday 8:00am - 8:45am

2 sessions Thu 20 Mar 25 Thu 27 Mar 25

If your child hasn't been before and you would like to take them along to try the class we offer a trial - it costs £6.00 for . This trial can start on any of the next 2 sessions.

Choose a date:

